18 AUGUST 1984 (1)





There is an unfortunate phenomenon I have noticed over the years. It concerns the initial use, application and end phenomenon of a "new" rundown, level or technical action; e.g. Drug Rundown, Section III OT Course, Hard TR Course of 1971, etc.


I am sure that you recognize the phenomenon I am talking about. The "new" level or rundown is introduced and promoted to the public as the end all level, which will produce [case] states unheard of in the history of this universe, is the case cracker for which we've all been waiting, and is the result of another fantastic breakthrough by Ron.


There is then a rush to the local ORG, AO, or Flag to receive this wonderful "new" rundown after which comes a rash of success stories which truly validate the new action as everything Ron said it would be, and even more! I've seen this pattern repeated many times.


Since any rundown is proclaimed to be the "ultimate", I find people pushing on - intensive after intensive - and returning for intensive after intensive, to get this high in the sky ultimate end phenomenon or result.


This phenomenon was particularly true with OT III where various repairs, even the processes of "old" OT VII were [in some cases] used to get that ultimate end phenomenon.[ (2)] But, alas, some seemed to go on and on with no end in sight in an unending futile search for that magical, mystical EP while at the same time getting excellent gains from OT III.


Another pattern seems to be that at first the person gets excellent results, peaks out, and then goes into a slow or rapid decline. Some attest at the peak; they are the lucky ones. Others, perhaps holding onto some precious hidden standard, go on and on, searching for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. After awhile, their cases begin to deteriorate and they go into a dwindling spiral of self-invalidation, and some "blow" with their bypassed-charge and are never heard of again.


As this happens to more and more people, stats begin to go down and Ron steps in and announces the "END OF ENDLESS ". (Fill in the blank with: Drug Rundown, Interiorization Rundown, OT III, or whatever) It is now found that those way overdue, actually overshot "their EP" for the level, and either a rehab or a new level will resolve the problem.


Have you ever noticed what happens when you overrun or overshoot the EP of Grade 0, Communication Release? As this grade is overrun, the very thing that it was supposed to handle begins to deteriorate; the PC's communication, and sometimes the PC, begins to worsen. Also, the PC begins to "pull in" the next level; in this case, Grade I Problems.


As the PC and his communication worsens, the auditor, C/S and even the PC think that what the PC needs is more communication processes. From this, more and more problems overwhelm the PC and soon he is in repair, where we hope that an observant auditor will find the overrun, indicate it to the PC and allow him to attest. Therefore, the indicators of [extreme] overrun are:


1.The PC overruns and develops conditions which are just the opposite of what the grade is supposed to handle, on a worsening downward spiral.


2.The PC "pulls in" and begins to dramatize the next [gradient] level.


3.If the overrun is not [properly] handled, the PC's life begins to [noticeably] deteriorate; eventually leading to extreme mental distress, illness, or an outright "blow".


I observed and understood that, when NOTS was first introduced, it was designed to be a "limited" action (one or two intensives). It was designed to handle and complete the phenomenon first encountered on OT III. It was delivered to the PreOT as an audited action by an Advance Courses Specialist. Simple, quick and neat and then the PreOT was to get on with his creative processing levels of "old" OT IV, V, VI and VII.


Then, the old ugly specter appears: NOTS is the "ultimate" level with the usual intensive after intensive pattern. This is great for Flag and the AO's since NOTS is a very costly rundown. Then economic factors take over and Ron introduces Solo NOTS so that the PreOT can take his "ENDLESS NOTS case home with him and audit it forever to his heart's content (while continuing to pay C/S fees to Flag).


Next, we see a "new" grade chart with the "new" OT levels of Audited NOTS, the Solo NOTS course and Solo NOTS as New OT VII. The creative processing levels of "old" OT IV, V, VI and VII disappear (just dropped right off the face of the earth). The Solo NOTS PreOT's appear, auditing on for months (turning into years), to attain a far off, hazy, but ultimate goal of New OT VII.


Ah! But wait! Ron will step in. Ron will save the day with "The END of ENDLESS NOTS Rundown" before this beleaguered army of Solo NOTS auditors audit themselves into oblivion and overrun. Remember the economic factors; Flag doesn't want to lose those willing to report in at anytime and pay whatever is demanded so that they can buy this precious opportunity to get out of this "stinking universe".


Unfortunately, Ron does not step at this time and save the day. The rest is all history: force, more force, rebellion, more force, declares, blows, and insanity; ad-infinitum. It is interesting to note here that many of the old mission holders fit in the category of long duration NOTS PreOT's.


Now, I want to make a statement from my personal experience over the many years that I have been involved with this technology; the statement being:




My observation in the area of NOTS is:








I have met and gotten to know many Solo NOTS PreOT's in the last two years. Ninety percent of them (or more) who have been on NOTS for a very long time, demonstrate some or all of the following characteristics:


1.A kind of noble attitude of "going on" endlessly;


2.An attitude of giving up, but feeling incomplete;


3.A false pride and dedication to an EP theorized about endlessly;


4.Outright physical, emotional, and spiritual deterioration;


5.Becoming more at the effect of life;


6.Mental instability;


7.A TA that just soars when the [auditing] subject is addressed;


8.Hidden standards that lead to unreal expectations;


9.Loss of personal power;


10.Waiting, etc.


In one case I know, an individual who had 400 hours (yes, 400 hours!) of NOTS and has suffered a mental breakdown which may require years for him to recover from. This is the most extreme case I know of. However, I can imagine that a non-Scientologist might look at some of these guys and gals and wonder how someone could pay so much money to get into such bad shape.


Again, the 3 steps of overrun are:


1.The PC/PreOT overruns and develops conditions which are just the opposite of what the grade or level is supposed to handle. The condition continues to worsen on a downward spiral.


2.The PC/PreOT pulls in the "next" level and begins to dramatize that "next" level.


3.If the overrun is not handled, the PC's/PreOT's life begins to deteriorate, eventually leading to extreme mental distress, illness, complete mental collapse, or an outright blow.


In theory, what the PreOT would begin to dramatize on a NOTS overrun would be the creative processing levels of "New" OT VIII, IX, X and XI (See TECHNICAL BULLETIN - 18 AUGUST 1984 - ISSUE I - UPPER -OT SECTIONS).


This means that he would compulsively create and mock up, unknowingly, without end, totally on automatic and that means he is going to continue to endlessly mock up a NOTS case and become more the effect of it, forever. Then he will become more and more the effect of life. This leads to deteriorization, mental distress, illness and eventual mental collapse, or a blow from the subject [of Scientology].


Some Beings are stronger than others and therefore go on for years before they self-destruct. Of course, left to their own devices, they will probably think that all this overrun phenomenon just means that more NOTS is needed.


Will Ron step in to save the day?


I think not. If he does, the handling which would be an END OF ENDLESS NOTS CORRECTION LIST or END OF ENDLESS NOTS RUNDOWN will, of course, be confidential and of no help to those who have blown or been declared.


It should be noted that prior to the discovery of Dianetic Clear, many thousands of people were overrun on Dianetics, even though it was once stated that the state of clear could not be overrun. This overrun of Dianetics did produce many undesirable mental and physical effects. Later, these effects had to be cleaned up and handled.


Similarly, the state CAUSE OVER LIFE could not be overrun, but certainly NOTS could be overrun, with all the resulting undesirable mental and physical effects. We in the reformation movement (the independent field) who are trained to this level, must take responsibility for the overrun phenomenon since the untrained NOTS PreOT's will just continue to slip into the effect side of life and just wait for someone else to take action.


The project to create an END OF ENDLESS NOTS CORRECTION LIST and RUNDOWN has begun so that we can get on with the job of delivering the creative processing levels of "New" OT VIII, IX, X and XI, which move the individual to new levels of causitiveness.


I welcome others to join this venture.


* * * * *


Submitted Anonymously

by a Class VIII Auditor




1. )This bulletin was authored by the late Lawrence West (a.k.a. Larry Dahlquist) - Cl. VIII - HSST. As a historical note, LRH died approximately 19 months after this bulletin was written.

2. )Note: The Scenario is OT III ---> OT VII ---> OT IIIx. OT III x (expanded) was nothing more than the continuation of OT III after having run some of the processes of [old] OT VII.